A surprising breakthrough (and an endless supply of profits)

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, January 14, 2016

This breakthrough is turning out to be even bigger than we’d thought.

In 2014, we started telling our readers about it:

We predicted it would disrupt everything from entertainment to education.

But as we’ve recently discovered, not only is it already changing how we relax and learn—it’s also saving lives.

And today, we’ll give you three investment ideas to take advantage of it.

How a $15 Piece of Cardboard Saved a Child’s Life

In August 2015, Teegan Lexcen was born with rare birth defect. She was missing one of her lungs and half of her heart.

Doctors didn’t give her long to live. In fact they sent her home with her parents, telling them to make her as “comfortable” as possible before she passed away.

But determined to do everything they could, Teegan’s parents contacted several doctors across the country.

Before long, a pediatric heart surgeon responded from Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami, Florida.

He requested images and X-rays of Teegan and reviewed them with his team...

Unfortunately, they hadn’t seen anything like this before, and they couldn’t fathom what a surgery might look like—but then they came up with a groundbreaking idea:

First they used the images of Teegan’s heart and lungs to create a 3D model...

Then they used a key piece of technology—one that cost just $15—to plot a course of action.

Google Cardboard

The piece of technology they used is a new product from Google called “Cardboard.”

Google Cardboard is a way to connect your smart phone to a “headset” so you can view virtual worlds.

This is “virtual reality,” or “VR,” where an artificial environment is created with technology, and users get the sense that it’s real environment.

Cardboard is an inexpensive headset for VR that can be made from folding a piece of cardboard around specialized lenses.

Teegan’s doctors used Cardboard to view a 3D model of Teegan’s heart and lungs.  This allowed them to view her heart from every possible angle. It was like being inside her body—without even lifting a scalpel.

Within 24 hours, they’d created a game plan for how to fix Teegan’s heart and keep her alive.

And on December 10, 2015, they performed a successful operation.

A $15 virtual reality device saved Teegan’s life.

The Future of Everything

As I mentioned earlier, Crowdability has been writing about the power of virtual reality for the past two years.

We believe it could disrupt everything from higher education...

To travel...

To how we communicate across the web.

But we never thought this breakthrough would impact the world of medicine—especially in such a short period of time.

We believe we’re at the beginning of a “mega-trend” that will impact a huge number of industries over the next 20 to 30 years.

Analysts at Piper Jaffray predict that, in the next 10 years alone, the virtual reality market will be worth more than $60 billion.

And as VR continues to penetrate new industries, investors who get in at the ground floor stand to make fortunes.

Three Ways to Play the Virtual Reality Mega-Trend Today

For relatively conservative investors, here are three ways to play the VR mega-trend right now:

Invest in Facebook (FB)—Two years ago, Facebook acquired Oculus, the leading VR headset manufacturer. These headsets just recently went on sale—and they’re already forecasted to generate $2 billion in sales for Facebook in 2016 alone.

Invest in Google (GOOG)—Google is the maker of the $15 piece of cardboard that saved baby Teegan’s life. Given the implications of VR across so many of the industries it touches—from “search” technology to driverless cars—Google has decided to move aggressively into this new territory.

Invest in Sony (SNE)—While more focused on entertainment than medicine, Sony plans to launch its own VR headset this year. With over 120 million PlayStation consoles in the market, Sony could potentially scale sales rapidly.

But You Need to Get in EARLIER!

Facebook, Google, Sony...

Each of these companies is already a huge, diversified business. While virtual reality might make a dent in their bottom lines someday, it won’t be for many years.

To reap the near-term rewards of the virtual reality megatrend, you need to get involved with VR companies at their earliest stages.

Unfortunately, many of those companies are privately held—so most investors can’t access them.

However, as we’ll show you in the next few weeks, we’ve discovered a way for everyone reading this essay to invest in one of the most promising private virtual reality companies in the market—and you can do it right now.

If you’re interested in learning more about this company, please leave us a comment below

Happy investing.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Virtual reality

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