You have a choice to make:
Either you can give in to fear and panic...
Or you can take action, and boldly move forward with confidence.
You can choose to turn off your TV and computer and ignore the market...
Or you can look at this crisis as a rare opportunity to add to your nest egg.
I know which choice we’re making.
And I hope you’ll decide to join us…
Time to Take Action
It’s likely that stocks will fall lower before they start to rebound.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities to make money right now…
During every major downturn, there are “bright spots” in the market.
They may be difficult to find — but that’s what makes them so profitable.
So while everyone else is focused entirely on the negatives...
You can be making money.
Always a Bull Market Somewhere
You see, even when it feels like the world is falling apart, life and business continue.
And for a certain set of companies, business booms.
For example, look at Lakeland Industries (LAKE), a maker of protective equipment for medical professionals:
During the 2014 Ebola crisis, demand for its products surged…
And its stock rallied nearly 600%.
And we’re already seeing similar situations play out in the latest downturn...
For example, with quarantines in effect and millions of employees being forced to work from home, keeping everyone connected has become a top priority.
As a result, demand for “remote work” software has surged...
And that’s why Zoom (ZM), which provides video-conferencing software to businesses, has seen its stock soar.
In the past month alone, this company’s shares have shot up by about 50%.
Bigger Profits on the Horizon
And here’s the thing...
My colleague Lou Basenese sees even bigger profits on the horizon — and he sees them coming from one specific sector.
And on Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 PM (Eastern), he’ll share the details with you.
That’s when Lou will be hosting a special Coronavirus Briefing…
During this event, he’ll show you how to get access to five specific trades in this sector.
As you’ll see, any of these trades could hand you triple- or even quadruple-digit profits.
So, even as your friends and colleagues tune out the market and suffer serious losses, Lou will show you how you could potentially be adding to your nest egg right now.
Again, the event starts at 7 PM (Eastern) on Thursday, March 26th.
Click here now to lock in your spot »
Best Regards,