How to Play Today’s "Gold Rush"

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, December 8, 2016

Between 1848 to 1855, more than 300,000 people poured into California.

To get there, many faced shipwrecks, typhoid or cholera.

But they hadn’t come for the sunny weather…

They’d come to strike it rich in the gold rush—and strike it rich they did:

Over seven years, an estimated $10 billion in gold was taken out of the ground.

$10 billion is an astounding amount of wealth…

But it’s nothing compared to the wealth being created in California right this second.

And today, we’ll show you a surprising way to profit from it.
Today’s Gold Rush

In today’s gold rush, people aren’t risking life and limb to dig in the ground...

Now they can make their fortunes while sitting comfortably behind a desk:

Simply put, they invest in private, early-stage “start-ups”—and when those start-ups become successful, the investors cash out for enormous profits.

For example, when Google went public, its early investors made an estimated 3,000% on their money…

Facebook’s first investor made 200,000% on IPO day...

And early backers of Uber, the taxi company, have already turned every $1,000 they invested into $6 million—and Uber hasn’t even gone public yet.

Unfortunately, most folks have been prohibited from joining this new gold rush. That’s because, for nearly 83 years, only millionaires were legally allowed to invest in private companies.

But thanks to a new set of laws known as The JOBS Act, that’s all changed…

Now everyone, regardless of their net worth, can invest in start-ups.

Two Ways to Profit

To invest in start-ups, you need to use a special type of website called a Funding Platform. (This ensures that the SEC can keep an eye on what’s going on.)

This is an exciting development for investors like you, but here’s the thing:

There are dozens of these platforms—and at any one time, each of them might have dozens of start-ups for you to evaluate.

Not only is picking the right ones time consuming, but for investors who are new to the world of start-up investing, it can also be very difficult. (In fact, this is exactly why we started Crowdability: to help guide you in this new world.)

But recently, we identified another way for you to profit from this new gold rush:

It offers you a unique way to own stakes in many of today’s most promising start-ups—with a single investment.

What Makes Funding Platforms Special

Before I explain how this investment works, first you need to understand something about funding platforms.

Platforms add a lot of value by helping folks like you invest in promising early-stage companies—but these platforms aren’t non-profits:

In addition to earning a cash fee for facilitating your transaction, top platforms can also earn an ownership stake or economic interest in the start-ups you invest in.

In this way, these platforms can end up owning stakes in dozens—perhaps hundreds—of early-stage deals.

Meaning, if you could own a stake in a top platform, you could potentially own stakes in a huge number of highly-promising start-ups.

Ready for some good news?

You now have an opportunity to own a stake of one of the top funding platforms.

Own a Piece of This Platform

Yesterday, Matt wrote about a fast-growing platform called WeFunder...

To help it continue its growth, WeFunder is currently raising capital. And it’s allowing individual investors like you to claim a stake in the company.

In other words, you could own a stake in WeFunder right now—and in turn, you could be granted stakes in many other start-ups down the road.

Let me explain...

WeFunder has already featured 145 start-ups, helping them raise more than $28 million in capital. And it plans to help many, many more.

But going forward, WeFunder, like many top platforms, plans to start taking an economic interest in the start-ups it features.

Meaning, simply by investing in WeFunder, you could be accumulating a stake in each of the start-ups WeFunder gains a stake in.

With a single investment, you could own a piece of dozens (possibly hundreds) of highly promising start-up opportunities.

The Fine Print

But before we tell you how to learn more, here are a few things to keep in mind:

First, this particular offering is limited to accredited investors. In other words, to claim a stake in WeFunder itself, you need to have a net worth of at least $1 million, or earn at least $200,000 per year.

(By the way, if you’re not accredited, not to worry: you can still invest in the start-ups featured on WeFunder… you just can’t invest in WeFunder itself.)

Secondly, the minimum investment is $1,000 for folks who’ve already invested in one of WeFunder’s deals, or $3,000 for new investors.

Finally, WeFunder is planning on closing its round in a few days. So if you’re interested in learning more, you should do so quickly.

To learn more about this offering, click here now »

Happy investing.

Please note: Crowdability has no relationship with WeFunder. Crowdability is an independent provider of education, information and research on start-ups and alternative investments.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Funding platform Wefunder

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