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The Best Way to Colonize Mars
Mars is a frozen, lifeless, inhabitable planet. So how will Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk build his planned colony there of 1 million people? Simple: he’ll either drop a nuclear bomb on it, or he’ll flood it with greenhouse gas. Go nuclear here.
Weapon of the Future
Picture a flying military robot armed with high-powered laser beams. Building this thing won’t be as simple as strapping a laser cannon to a drone’s wings—but even still, it might be ready in just a couple of years. Fly to the future.
A Monkey Lands in Court
A few years ago, David Slater, a British nature photographer, had his camera stolen by a macaque monkey in the Indonesian jungle. What happened next is stranger than fiction: the monkey took some awesome “selfies” that went viral. How did this turn into a lawsuit? Click here for the evidence.
Matt and Wayne Played Hooky
Instead of showing up at the office last week, Matt and Wayne went to a big conference in midtown Manhattan. Their mission: to present some awesome new technology to fifteen-hundred executives and press. See their close-up.
I Can Read Your Mind...
A scientific experiment recently showed that people can actually read minds—and asForbes recently reported, they can do it even when they’re nowhere near each other. Get spooky right here.