"Why I Walked Away from a $12 Million Acquisition"

By Crowdability, on Friday, November 21, 2014

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

This Week’s Best Reading

Hedge Funds For All!

Sliced Investing is a new start-up that offers hedge fund access to all. Wayne wrote about them last week, and they just announced $2 million in funding. Read about it here.

Anything I Can Do You Can Do Better
Venture Capitalist Rob Go writes about the advantages that angel investors have over traditional VCs like him. Check out his list here.

Huge Wall St Firm Embraces Alternative Investments

$11 billion PENSCO Trust is giving its customers access to a new menu of alternative investments – from peer-to-peer lending and real estate to private equity. Read why their CEO is so excited about these new options.

Is Lending Club's IPO Off?

Rumors are swirling that Lending Club, which filed to go public back in August, is quietly seeking a buyer. See what this could mean for early investors.

Which Type of Early-Stage Investor Are You?

Some early-stage investors invest based on a vision of the future. Others are more opportunistic and event driven. VC David Rosskamp breaks down the various types of investors in more detail here, in "The Typology of Venture Investing."

"Why I Walked Away from a $12 Million Acquisition"

A fascinating post: Alex Turnbull, founder of a start-up called Groove, talks about one of the toughest decisions of his life – and how he took investors, employees, and himself into account before making it. Read it here.

Senator Challenges Uber on Privacy

Silicon Valley playing fast and loose with data is nothing new, but some say that Uber’s particular brand of hubris, coupled with a trove of user data, is dangerous. Read the 8 questions Senator Al Franken has for the folks at Uber here.


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Tags: Al franken Alex turnbull Alternative investments David rosskamp Lending club P2p lending Pensco Sliced investing Uber

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