The Next Harley Davidson?

James Dean had one.

So did Peter Fonda in “Easy Rider.”

And so do all the Hells Angels today

I'm referring, of course, to the coolest thing on two wheels:


But now an innovative start-up is creating a new kind of motorcycle—

And as you’re about to learn,…

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Tags: Indicators Valuation

[Video]: Flying Taxis

This Device Knows When You’re About to Get Sick

Michael Snyder, Chairman of the Genetics Department at Stanford University, thinks you should pay more attention to your smart watch. Why? Because based on his latest research, he believes it can be used to detect the start of the flu, Lyme…

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Tags: Craigslist Wearables

Simple Trick for Earning 10x Returns

Next week, SnapChat is set to IPO.

When it goes public, the popular photo and video sharing start-up is expected to have a market cap of about $18 billion.

At that level, Snap’s private market investors stand to make a fortune.

In fact, even Snap’s investors who got involved late…

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Tags: Investing Snapchat Start up

95% Cash!?

I couldn’t believe my ears...

I’d been enjoying a pre-flight cocktail at the George Bush Airport in Houston, casually chatting with some folks at the bar. Most of them were well-dressed professionals in their late 50s.

Soon, the topic of the stock market came up—and as they told me, they…

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Tags: Asset allocation Portfolio Retirement

Three "Smart Money" Investments

Historically, venture investors have focused on one primary sector:


Sure, what it means to “invest in tech” has changed over time…

In the 60s, for example, it meant backing the makers of silicon chips, whereas today it might mean backing drone start-ups, or artificial intelligence companies…

But tech is…

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Tags: Cb insights Food beverage-start-ups

Warning: Could This Be Your Next Medical Emergency?

Uber’s Latest Initiative: Flying Cars

Mark Moore, an aircraft engineer who spent the last 30 years at NASA, just joined Uber. His new initiative is called Uber Elevate. Will it fly? »


Russian Hackers Cheat Slot Machines—and Casinos Have No Fix

In June 2014, the Lumiere Place Casino…

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Tags: Hackers Uber

Marijuana Goes Mainstream

Last week, I received an e-mail from the Chief Market Strategist at Convergex, one of the most well-respected financial technology firms in the country.

The topic of the e-mail?

Marijuana Investments.

Matt and I have been writing about this trend for a while now...

However, when a firm like this…

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Tags: Marijuana Marijuana investing Pot stocks

IPO Conspiracy Revealed...

Fortune just dropped a bombshell:

The pending IPO of SnapChat—one of the most anticipated tech IPOs since Facebook—might be a hoax.

You can’t make this stuff up.

As Fortune reported on Monday, it’s become aware of a “conspiracy theory” that Snap’s massive IPO is just a ploy.

But a ploy…

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Tags: End of-the-stock-market Snapchat