Breaking: 4,726 Colleges Set to Close

The United States has 4,726 colleges and universities.

To attend these institutions, students spend nearly $600 billion per year—that’s $393 billion for tuition, and $196 billion on expenses like travel and housing.

But a fascinating new technology has recently emerged, and it’s raising the possibility that all of those institutions—and…

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Tags: Colleges Education Facebook Mark zuckerberg Oculus Student loan-debt Student loans Universities Virtual reality

The Death of the Salaried Employee

Every spring, investors from Wall Street to Silicon Valley wait in anticipation for one of the most important reports of the year.

They’re not waiting for the jobs numbers, GDP data, or any other conventional economic indicator.

These investors are waiting on The Internet Trends Report—a report that’s predicted nearly…

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Tags: Ebay Elance Employee Freelancer Gsv capital Gsvc Internet trends-report Kleiner perkins Lyft Mary meeker Odesk Uber Upwork

Your Top 10 Money-Making Careers

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Senator McCain: Silicon Valley or Bust

According to Senator John McCain, America’s…

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Tags: Silicon valley Startups Venture capital