Could Elon Create the “iPhone Killer”?

You Saw it on “Star Wars” — Now It’s Here for Real

From lightsabers to robots, magical objects from “Star Wars” have started to appear in the real world. Recently, another one made its debut. Check it out »

This is How You’d Look as an Egyptian Pharoah

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Tags: Amazon Iphone

Three Surprising Tips for Finding a Profitable Startup

When evaluating a start-up for a potential investment, you might be tempted to focus on the company’s product, or its competition.

And certainly, those are important factors to consider.

But as we’ve learned over the years, other factors are far more likely to influence the company’s outcome — and in…

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Tags: Startups Three tips

Hyundai Airbag for Your Crotch

If You Die in This Game, You Die in Real Life

Like games? Here’s one that caught our attention. But be warned: losing has some serious consequences »

Computer Chips Made from… Mushrooms?

It’s easy to find mushrooms in places like salads and stir-fry’s. But soon, you might find…

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Tags: Airbags Vr

$24 Billion Opportunity on this “Dead Stock”

“Maybe it’s your bony elbows,” said my wife.

She was busy throwing out a bunch of my sweaters, just like she does every fall.

You see, after a year or two of wear, holes emerge in the elbows of my sweaters. And as my wife has suggested, the likely culprit…

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Tags: Fashion Startups

Elon’s Next Business Venture: Parking Lots?

Where Do All the Startup Founders Come From? (Hint: not Harvard)

A new study reveals the colleges that create the most startup founders. Which one tops the list? The answer may surprise you »

Office Building… or Secret Vault?

This ordinary brick building is surrounded by razor wire and…

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Tags: Hyperloop Mcdonalds

Three “Billion Dollar” Pre-IPO Investing Rules

Fred Wilson is one of the most successful startup investors in the world.

He was an early investor in startups like Twitter, Twilio, and Etsy — all of which became multi-billion-dollar publicly traded companies.

That’s why he regularly tops Forbes’ “Midas List” of early-stage tech investors, and is rumored to…

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Tags: Fred wilson Investing rules