Crypto Finally Hits Wall Street

Have you been living under a rock lately?

If not, you’ve probably seen the recent headlines about bitcoin:

For the first time ever, it crossed $66,000. Which means it’s up 100% since earlier this year.

But that begs the question: why are bitcoin investors so optimistic right now?

Today I’ll…

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Tags: Bitcoin Etf

An Opportunity To Invest Alongside Prince Harry

Prince Harry needs dough.

Since moving to Los Angeles last year, the Duke of Sussex’s expenses have skyrocketed. But now that he’s stepped down from his royal duties, the Queen has cut off his “allowance.”

To make ends meet, he’s inked some content deals with Netflix, Spotify, and Apple.


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Tags: Prince harry Startups

Could You Land a Plane? You Might be Surprised

New Social Network Allows Just 100 Posts for Life

Spending too much time on Facebook? Give this new social media platform a try. It allows each user just 100 posts. After that — well, here’s what happens »

Check Out This “Cave” Robot

DARPA, the government agency behind the…

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Tags: Google Plane

Biden Admin Does NOT Want You to Get Rich

I’m a registered independent…

And I’ve voted for Democrats and Republicans in the past.

So, please understand, I’m not writing a “hit piece” today.

But I recently made a disturbing discovery:

Buried inside an 881-page bill from the Biden White House is a proposal for a new law, and this…

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Tags: Biden Wealth

Get Paid Like a Rock Star

When I was a college freshman, I tried to buy my friend’s autographed Bob Dylan poster.

At the time, I was obsessed with Dylan’s album “Blonde on Blonde.” So when I saw the poster on my friend’s dorm-room wall, I blurted out the biggest number I could think of: $100.…

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Tags: Music Republic

Apple Might Owe You Money

This Spacecraft Is About to Smash into an Asteroid

NASA’s latest spacecraft has a rather violent mission: to deliberately crash itself into an asteroid. It sounds crazy… but our planet’s entire existence may depend on it »

Drunk Man Joins His Own Search Party

A man in Turkey spent…

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Tags: Apple Drones

Get Drunk and Make 4x Your Money

Are the rich really so different from everyone else?

Some say we’re all the same. After all, we all put our pants on one leg at a time, and no one’s immune to inconveniences like the common cold.

But in at least one big way, the rich really are different.

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Tags: Alternative investments Wine

This Hamster is Outperforming the S&P 500

Amazon’s New Robot Is Spying on You

Amazon just unveiled “Astro,” a robot built to help around the house. But with all its sensors and cameras, it may just be the company’s most sinister surveillance device yet. Learn more »

This Paint Can Eliminate Your Air-Conditioning Bills

With a…

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Tags: Facebook Hamster