How to Spot a $400 Million Profit Opportunity

Investing in megatrends like Virtual Reality can lead you to huge profits…

But only if you’re able to spot them early.

That’s why, in his essay yesterday, Matt showed you a simple trend-spotting strategy:

By watching where global tech companies like Apple and Facebook are investing and doing takeovers, you’ll…

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Tags: Venture capitalists Virtual reality

The Best Side-Hustles While Stuck at Home

The Best Neighborhood in Town: Lava Tubes?

If you’re thinking of moving, here’s a spot to check out. It’s a little off the beaten path, but the view is out of this world. Get the details here »

Warning: This Video Will Gross You Out

A black-light experiment shows…

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Tags: Coronavirus Mit

"NSFW" Video Could Make You Rich

Yesterday, Matt told you about a special indicator we’ve been tracking.

This indicator has given investors an early “buy signal” for some of the biggest and most profitable technologies and trends of the past 50 years.

And today, once again, this indicator is pointing to a massive breakthrough — one…

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Tags: Indicator Profits

One weird "trick" for banking a 6,780% profit...

If you can identify the most important new technologies and trends…

And you can identify them early…

You can put yourself in position to earn enormous gains.

In fact, as Wayne and I explained last week, that’s how you could potentially make thousands of times your money on tiny investments.

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Tags: Internet Technology trends

"It's Safe to Go Back to Work"

Connect with Friends… and Show ‘Em Who’s Boss

Zoom can be a great way to keep in touch with your family and colleagues. But it can also be used to assert your dominance over your friends! Learn more here »

“The Simpsons” Predicted Exactly What’s Happening Today

How did…

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Tags: Coronavirus Zoom

Stanford PhD Reveals Secret to Life-Changing Wealth

Yesterday, Matt showed you what can happen when you take a proven system for identifying successful startups…

And combine it with a major technology trend:

You get the opportunity to earn life-changing profits! (Like when early investors in Uber earned 10,000 times their money.)

But Matt raised a very important…

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Tags: Ecommerce Profits

3 Ways to Pocket Life-Changing Gains

In our essays last week, Wayne and I began to reveal how we identify high-potential startup investments.

Essentially, we use a proven process that involves more than 40 screens and filters.

  • Some of these screens help identify the startups with the best chance of staying in business and succeeding.

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Tags: Profits Startups

This Disinfectant Can Stop the Coronavirus

You Might Try LSD Soon

LSD has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. But its psychedelic side effects have made it impractical for mainstream use. Now a company in Basel, Switzerland aims to change that fact. Learn more here »

This Dog Is Treating Coronavirus Patients

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Tags: Coronavirus Microsoft