A Smart Profit Opportunity with 99% Accuracy

Investment bank Morgan Stanley recently did something very peculiar:

It told Google to give away one of its smart speakers to everyone in America — for free.

The cost of this giveaway? About $3 billion.

For the last hundred years, CEOs from top companies have relied on Morgan Stanley not…

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Tags: Sapientx Voice assistants

Zero Taxes in 2022?

ProPublica recently published a groundbreaking report…

It managed to get its hands on 25 years’ worth of tax returns for some of the wealthiest investors in the world. And what it discovered is almost unbelievable:

  • In 2007, Jeff Bezos paid zero income taxes.
  • In 2018, Elon Musk paid zero…

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Tags: 2022 Taxes

New Study: Heavy Drinking Leads to a Better Life

A Small Town in Mississippi Is Replacing Hollywood

Forget Hollywood. A small town in Mississippi is quickly becoming a movie maker’s most sought-after destination. Learn why here »

Sorry, Parents — You’re Wrong About Video Games

For years, parents have been telling their kids that playing video games was…

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Tags: Beer Elvis

Caught naked!?

Warren Buffett often shares this pearl of wisdom:

“You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”

Meaning, you really don’t know how well or how poorly a company is doing until it’s faced with a major challenge.

Well, given the challenges the world is facing…

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Tags: Diversification Luckin

Learn Spanish and Make 10x Your Money

My son just turned three and he already speaks better Spanish than I do.

To be fair, he has two secret weapons. The first is the sponge-like brain of a toddler. The second is my wife — she’s a native Spanish speaker, and she only speaks Spanish to him.


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Tags: Foreign language Startups

Retire from just ONE Investment

Editor's Note: Matt is traveling for the rest of this week. So today, we’ll be re-publishing a popular article from our archives. This is a natural follow-up to Wayne's article from last week, where he introduced you to the concept of a “Venture Capital Fund.” Enjoy!

Two weeks before…

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Tags: Aitio Venture fund

It's Surprisingly Easy to Steal a Tesla

R.I.P. Your Passwords

“Big tech” is committed to getting rid of passwords once and for all. So how will you keep your accounts safe? Find out here »

A “Doorway” to Aliens?

While patrolling the surface of Mars, a NASA rover discovered a shadowy, rectangular opening. Is it a…

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Tags: Mars Tesla