Elon Musk Is Being Held Hostage

People Are Infuriated about Wordle

The mobile-puzzle game “Wordle” has attracted millions of players. Now it’s being acquired by The New York Times — and people are not happy. Here’s why »

Here Come the Robot Umpires

Since the dawn of baseball, fans have been clamoring for umpires that…

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Tags: Elon musk Robot umpires

The REAL Secret to Investing Success

Whether you’re talking about investing in the stock market...

Investing in startups...

Or even founding your own startup…

One simple rule can help you identify the opportunities with the most profit potential — and today I’ll tell you what it is.

In the Beginning...

Several years ago, right when Matt…

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Tags: Against the-grain Startups

Early-Stage Profit Opportunity: 99% Accuracy

Investment bank Morgan Stanley recently did something very peculiar:

It told Google to give away one of its smart speakers to everyone in America — for free.

The cost of this giveaway? About $3 billion.

For the last hundred years, CEOs from top companies have relied on Morgan Stanley not…

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Tags: Startups Voice assistants

Taco Bell is Starting a Business School

Can Mice Cure Baldness?

As it turns out, baldness might be reversible. And we have tiny rodents to thank for this discovery. Check out the “hair-raising” story here »

The IRS Wants You to Take a Selfie

The IRS isn’t very popular. And considering its latest announcement, that’s not…

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Tags: Nasa Taco bell

Follow This Rule for 1,000% Gains

Startups are a strange animal.

Even though they have the potential to hand investors like you life-changing profits…

They also have a high probability of failing.

Makes sense. After all, startups are new enterprises searching for a profitable business model.

The thing is, identifying a profitable business model can take…

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Tags: Research Startups

FedEx to Start Using Anti-Missile Lasers

Slow Internet Connection? Blame Cats

Are websites and videos taking too long to load on your computer? There’s a problem with your internet connection — and we know who might be responsible »

Criminals Are Using QR Codes To Steal Your Money

A new way to shop is catching…

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How a Startup Could Change Your Life

I want to share a very personal story with you today. It’s not one I tell often. Partly out of embarrassment, and partly because it’s kind of painful to think about.

Let me begin by saying how truly blessed I feel every day.

In addition to being healthy and having…

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Tags: Startups

Retire from just ONE Investment

Editor's Note: Matt is traveling this week. So today, we’ll be re-publishing a popular article from our archives. This is a natural follow-up to Matt’s article from last week, where he introduced you to Crowdability’s “Venture Capital Fund.” Enjoy!

Two weeks before we started sheltering in place, our friend…

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Tags: Profits Venture fund