My #1 Strategy To Find the Next Starbucks

Fifty years ago, a tiny coffee shop with a strange name opened in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.

It was called Starbucks, and it grew slowly at first. But as it expanded across the U.S. and overseas, its popularity and value started to soar.

Eventually, twenty-four years after it was founded,…

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Tags: Starbucks Startups

Apple to Offer Healthcare

Coca-Cola Throws $4 Billion Press Conference

When soccer star Christiano Ronaldo arrived for his pregame press conference, he sat down, said just one word — and Coca-Cola’s stock tumbled. What happened? »

A Cure for False Alarms

Did you know that 95% of car alarm activations are…

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Tags: Apple Coca cola

Simple Trick for a $23 million Payday

When I tell people what I do for a living, I hear things like this:

“The stock market!? That’s a real crap shoot!”

“You invest in startups? I’d rather play the lotto!”

“Oh, isn’t that like gambling?”

Comments like that used to bother me. But not anymore.

Nowadays, I take…

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Tags: Gambling Startups

How To Bank 1,071% Profits from Coconuts

Darn it — Amazon got me again!

This time it was a mini waffle iron.

I don’t even like waffles. Why would I buy a mini waffle iron?

The reason is laughable. And it’s the same reason I bought a scalp massager, a milk frother, and a countertop cereal dispenser:…

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Tags: Coconut water Startups

33% of Adults Want This Surprising Superpower

Criminals Use FBI App by Mistake

Nearly one thousand criminals around the world thought they were plotting the perfect caper. There was just one problem: the long arm of the law was listening. Whoops »

Here It Is: The Key to Retiring

Ahh, retirement. Sounds like a fantasy, right?…

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Tags: Labor day Swimming

Report: Avoid Paying Taxes (like the rich)

ProPublica just published a groundbreaking report…

It managed to get its hands on 25 years’ worth of tax returns for some of the wealthiest investors in the world. And what it discovered is almost unbelievable:

  • In 2007, Jeff Bezos paid zero income taxes.
  • In 2018, Elon Musk paid zero…

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Tags: Startups Taxes

For 1,000% Gains, I Eat My Own Cooking

I love having dinner with my 2-year-old son.

If he’s hesitant about something on his plate, I show him what he’s missing by eating it myself.

He stares at me, intrigued. I can see him thinking, “Hmm, if Daddy likes it, it must be good.”

I thought about this recently…

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Tags: Profits Startups

Amazon Prepares for Weed Delivery

An Invisible Sculpture Just Sold for $18,000

An Italian work of art just fetched a five-figure price. What’s so special about it? Hard to say… considering nobody can see it. Art is weird »

This Candy is Great for Your Teeth

Parents just can’t catch a break today. In…

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Tags: Amazon Cannabis

All the upside… none of the downside

The ultra-rich are obsessed with investing in venture capital funds.

After all, such funds can make their investors even richer.

Unfortunately, as Wayne started to explain last week, many hurdles are keeping investors like you out of this lucrative asset class.

So today, I’ll throw some light on these hurdles…

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Tags: Profits Venture funds