From $3 to $900 — Here's the Next One

“It’s different this time.”

For investors, those words have caused a lot of black eyes over the years. But they do point to a fundamental truth in the investment world:

Timing is everything!

So today, let me tell you why the timing might finally be right for one specific sector.

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Tags: Cleantech Startups

[Warning] Don't Download this "System Update"

Finally, Tech Support You Can Count on

When we moved into a new place, it was a tech catastrophe. TVs needed hanging; wireless networks needed to be created; Dots and Echos and Alexas needed to be set up. Who could we call to sort everything out? Best Buy. Learn…

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Tags: Coffee Zoom

Worried about the market? Do this…

We’re still in the midst of a global pandemic…

And yet — stocks recently hit new all-time highs!

The Dow topped 33,000, the S&P broke 4,000, and the Nasdaq is just a few points away from an eye-popping 14,000.

This is great news for investors. But if you’re anything like…

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Tags: Real estate Startups

Government Scientists Build "Mind-Control" Device

In the 1970s, scientists started drilling into peoples’ skulls.

Their goal was to create a mind-control device, or as they called it, a brain-computer interface.

Such devices were used for medical purposes — for example, to regulate tremors in Parkinson’s patients, or to restore movement in paralyzed people.

But now…

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Tags: Mind control Mindportal

Can This Smartphone App Get You High?

Why Good Music Gets You Aroused

The right song can send shivers down your spine and make the hair on your arms stand up. Ever wonder why? After years of research, scientists now have the surprisingly naughty answer »

10-Cent Beers and Free Krispy Kreme Donuts

From beers…

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Tags: Apple Chipotle

Make Money Even When Stocks Go DOWN…

Everyone knows the obvious way to make money in the market:

Buy low and sell high.

In other words, buy a stock when it’s “cheap,” and then cash out when it trades higher.

But today I’ll show you a different way to profit from stocks…

This is a way to…

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Tags: Ipo Stocks

Warning: Don't Get Burned by Robinhood

The trading app Robinhood made some waves last week.

As Reuters and Bloomberg reported, Robinhood says it’s planning to “democratize” IPOs.

Basically, it’s planning to let ordinary investors like you buy shares of companies just as they’re going public. This might sound like a big deal. I mean, historically, it’s…

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Tags: Ipo Robinhood

Facebook's New Mind-Control Device

Covid Vaccines Are Here — Is Cancer Next?

A biotech company made headlines developing a coronavirus vaccine. Now its co-founder says its progress could lead to vaccines for a different life-threatening disease. Learn more »

Make $10,000 a Month Drinking Wine

A winery in California just posted a unique…

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Tags: Facebook Vaccines

#1 Secret to REAL IPO Profits

I realize the title of today’s column might be confusing.

I mean, just yesterday in this same newsletter, Matt trashed IPO investing.

But here’s the thing:

While I agree that IPO investing is a terrible strategy for making money these days…

IPOs can still deliver huge windfalls to you —…

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Tags: Ipos Secret code

Warning: Don't Be Tempted by this $100 billion IPO

A new IPO is coming next month.

It’s in one of the world’s fastest-growing sectors. It’s got an all-star team and product. And unlike most IPOs, it’s already wildly profitable.

Clearly you should invest in it, right?


Today, I’ll explain why — and tell you what to do instead.

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Tags: Coinbase Ipo