Taking LSD Could Help Your Career

The Scariest Movie Ever — According to Science

The Exorcist? Poltergeist? Friday the 13th? What’s the scariest movie of all time? Well, just in time for Halloween, science finally has an answer. The scariest movie ever is… »

Teenager Discovers Potential Cure for Covid-19

Top scientists are racing to…

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Tags: Halloween Lsd

Earn $10,249 a Year in FREE "Crypto Income"

Last December, I wrote to you about a new way to make money with cryptos.

It didn’t involve risking your money on high-risk crypto tokens. Instead, it was a way to earn safe, consistent income — for FREE — month after month.

In fact, as I’ll explain today, if you’d…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Helium

This Is a $103 Billion Profit Opportunity

Investors in private startups pocketed a fortune last quarter…

According to a report released last week, they took home $103.9 billion.

That’s a record high — and as you’re about to learn, those profits are expected to keep flowing.

So today, I’ll show you why this is happening…

And then…

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Tags: Ma activity Startups

These Dogs Wear Augmented-Reality Goggles

Amazon Is Watching You at Home

For years, Amazon has been listening to what goes on in your home. Now it wants to watch what happens, too. Get the scoop »

Man Makes $4,280 “Butt Dial”

Dr. Ali Vaziri unknowingly made a $4,280 purchase with his smartphone. The scary…

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Tags: Amazon Augmented reality

Bitcoin Going to $2 Trillion?

Last week, one of the world’s largest investment firms made a bold prediction.

It predicted that Bitcoin could soon soar by nearly 1,000%.

But how realistic is this forecast?

And is an investment in it today worth the risk?

Those are the questions I’ll dive into today.

Trillion-Dollar Forecasts


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Tags: Bitcoin Crypto

Big Profits from the "Next Peloton"?

And we’re off to the races!

Yes, industries like travel and hospitality are struggling during the pandemic.

But two emerging sectors — Fitness Tech and Esports — are soaring.

So today, I’ll introduce you to a startup that’s capitalizing on both of them.

Because, as you’ll learn, an investment in…

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Tags: Fitness Startup

Beware of Amazon’s New Surveillance Project

Drones Might Cause a Jailbreak

For years, drones have been used to smuggle contraband into prisons. But today, concerns are increasing that drones could be used to get those behind bars out. Learn more »

Scratch, Scratch, Scratch — Vinyl Records Make a Comeback

For the first time in…

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PERFECT timing for this overlooked investment...

Have you looked under your mattress lately?

What you’ll find there might surprise you: $4 trillion.

You see, stock market volatility is leading many investors to sit on the sidelines.

That’s why CNBC says $4 trillion is sitting in money market accounts right now — which is like keeping cash…

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The Surprising Money-Move Used by Cops

Police reform has become a hot-topic political issue.

But I’m not going to focus on police politics in this article…

Instead, I’m going to focus on police profits.

You see, for years, cops have been using a powerful investment strategy — a strategy that helps them build a big nest…

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