Can Netflix Cure Medical Issues?

The Weirdest Gadgets From CES

From an air-conditioned baseball cap to “smart” pajamas, check out the best (and strangest) gadgets from CES 2020 »

Billionaire Seeks Companion for Trip of a Lifetime

Entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa is seeking a “special someone” to enjoy the billionaire lifestyle. For starters, that includes…

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Tags: Ces Netflix

Crypto Comeback in 2020?

It’s been two years since the crypto bear market set in.

Since then, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and thousands of smaller coins are down 90% or more.

But this market has stabilized lately, and many are predicting that 2020 will be a turning point to the upside.

On the other hand, many…

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Tags: 2020 Crypto

How To Make 1,000% Returns from our Battle with China

China is killing us.

In 1990, it produced less than 3% of the world’s manufacturing output. By 2015, that number had increased to nearly 25%.

Today it produces about 90% of the world’s computers, 70% of its mobile phones, and 63% of its shoes.

But now the Chinese government is…

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Tags: China Robots

Alexa Wants To See You in the Shower

You Could Save Lives… By Being Spied On

Researchers at MIT believe your smartphone holds the key to stopping the spread of infectious disease. You just need to give up your privacy. Are you willing? »

#1 Way To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Researchers recently studied 23 techniques…

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Tags: Alexa Vacation homes

How Iran Could Win a War with the U.S.

As I write this, the markets are shrugging off the tensions brewing in the Middle East...

Especially because of Trump’s display of “restraint” after Iran’s attack on Iraqi military outposts.

But make no mistake — this conflict is far from over.

And while it could put pressure on stock prices…

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Tags: Cyber security Iran

Beware of Wall Street's Latest "Con" Game

Growing up, my parents taught me that being “direct” was a good thing.

Being direct meant being honest, straightforward, forthcoming.

So when I heard about startups going public using a new method — something known as a “direct” listing — I was intrigued…

Direct listings were promising to give individuals…

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Tags: Direct listing White papers

Meet the Scientist Creating a Time Machine

Samsung To Release World’s First Artificial Human

Samsung is hinting at a major technological breakthrough in 2020. In fact, its breakthrough will be released to the public next Tuesday. Learn more »

Did Aliens Visit Earth 15 Years Ago?

In 2004, U.S. Navy pilots spotted a group of objects…

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Tags: Samsung Time travel

This 8-Year-Old Made $26 Million Last Year

Is 5G Bad for Your Health?

The buzz around 5G continues to grow. But could this super-fast wireless technology actually do more harm than good? Learn more here »

Build Your Own “Batcave”

Futuristic garages have historically been reserved for superheroes like Batman or Iron Man. But now some…

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Tags: 5g Artificial intelligence

2020: Your Portfolio on Steroids

During the first half of the 20th century, the sport of powerlifting was dominated by U.S athletes.

But at the 1954 powerlifting championships, a new force emerged: the Russians.

Which left everyone wondering:

How were they able to improve their performance so quickly, and so dramatically?

Well, as it turns…

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Tags: 2020 Magic portfolio