Case Study: $9 Billion Investing Scam

Yesterday, Matt showed you a simple three-step process we use to identify and avoid investment scams.

We call it “DTP.”

Today, I’ll show you how to use this process in the real world — by applying it to a real company.

As you’ll learn, if investors had used this process…

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Tags: Investing scams Theranos

Easy Way To Avoid Investment Scams

Last week, Wayne showed you a simple way to double your investing profits.

As he revealed, the trick is simple:

Avoid making “losing” investments!

Over the years, we’ve discovered a number of ways to identity these profit-killers.

But one strategy is simpler and far more effective than any other…


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Tags: Domain experience Investing scams

Amazon Will Give You $25 for Your Body

Can You Tell a Fashion Model from a Robot?

Two women in this photo are glamorous fashion models. The other is a robot. Can you tell which is which? It’s tougher than you think »

This Virus-Infected Laptop Sold for $1.3 Million

Someone just dropped $1.3 million on a…

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Tags: Amazon Flying cars

Double Your Returns in One Simple Step

At some point, most investors get fed up with the meager returns offered by stocks.

That’s when they jump into exciting investments like micro-caps or cryptos.

But as I’ll explain today, there’s also a simpler way to boost your returns…

And surprisingly, you won’t even need to make one new…

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Tags: Diversification Returns

WARNING: Do NOT Accept this "Friend Request"

Take a Swig of this 220-Year-Old Beer

It took more than two centuries, but a group of monks has resurrected a very special beer recipe. Drink it up right here »

Amazon for Millionaires

Luxury sports cars. Diamond necklaces. Trips to private islands. A new website caters to the…

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Tags: Amazon Robots

Never Lose Money Like This Again…

Pain can teach us valuable lessons.

For instance, when I was a little kid, I burned my hand grabbing a hot pot on the stove. I didn’t need to learn that lesson twice.

But some lessons are hard to learn, no matter how painful they are.

For example, investing in…

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Tags: Ipo Profits

Don't Fall for this $100 Billion "IPO Scam"

The Wall Street Journal just dropped a bombshell…

As it reported, an “unprecedented” IPO is about to happen.

This IPO is expected to be worth $100 billion — and if you believe the hype, it could mean billions in profits for investors like you.

But if you dig into The…

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Tags: Softbank Startups

Don't Visit Another Website Until You Read This…

“Alexa, Who’s Breaking Into My House?”

No need for fancy alarm systems or menacing watch dogs. Now your smart speaker can help protect your home. Find out how right here »

This McDonalds Doubles as a U.S. Embassy

The world’s largest fast food joint is adding a new item…

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Tags: Mcdonalds Starbucks

The Real Secret to Successful Investing

Whether you’re talking about investing in the stock market...

Investing in startups...

Or even founding your own startup…

One simple rule can help you identify the opportunities with the most profit potential...

In the Beginning...

Several years ago, right when Matt and I decided to launch Crowdability, we spent some…

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Tags: Investing Warren buffett