Make Money Getting Drunk

Santé! Cin cin! Proost!

There are dozens of different ways to say “Cheers!” — but for most of us, they all lead to the same condition:

A hangover.

But thanks to a new startup, now you can drink to your heart’s delight and wake up feeling like a million bucks…

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Tags: Alcohol Wine

Secret Patent Could Boost MSFT's Share Price

Unlimited Beer… For Life

From self-driving suitcases to refrigerators that automatically restock your beer supply, the CES event in Las Vegas this year showcased plenty of fun technology innovations. Check out all the gizmos and gadgets here »

Teenager Finds $2 Million in His Lunch Box

16-year-old Don Lutes…

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Tags: Ces Microsoft

U.S. Real Estate Crisis — How We're Profiting

My favorite neighborhood in Manhattan is called the West Village.

I love its cobblestone streets, its brownstones and boutiques, its candle-lit restaurants.

But recently, a problem has emerged:

Empty storefronts!

Blame Amazon, blame the high rents, blame the economy — whatever the cause, the West Village feels like a ghost…

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Tags: Advertising Sensors

Your 2019 Investing Battle Plan

Over the past few weeks, we’ve aimed to make a few things abundantly clear:

First, blindly investing in stocks is not the move for 2019. Volatility is too high, and further price declines are likely.

Second, crypto prices might still be falling, but the fundamentals of this sector are only…

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Tags: 2019 Battle plan

Uber's Days are Numbered

Start Your Car With Your Finger

Forgot your car keys? No problem. With this car, all you need is a single finger. Read more here »

"Smell-o-Vision" Is Back

In 1960, "Smell-o-Vision," a system that released odors during a movie so you could "smell" what was happening, launched with…

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Tags: Cars Uber

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New Research Finds Time Travel is Possible

For years, engineers have said building a time machine is impossible. But groundbreaking new research suggests otherwise. Get the scoop here »

Government Announces Time-Sensitive Operation: Finding Santa

This weekend, your kids might ask you when Santa Claus is coming to town.…

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Tags: Drones Santa