What It’s Like Coming Back from the Dead

What To Do When Your Money Manager Buys a Ferrari

A new study found that the car your money manager drives is related to his capacity for risk taking—and his ability to generate market-beating returns. In particular, make sure to look out for Minivan owners »



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Tags: Uber Wine

2016's Top Headlines

We just finished up an exciting research project:

First we sorted through millions of emails that we sent our subscribers in 2016.

Then we calculated how many people opened each of our articles, and how many people clicked on the links inside.

In this way, we were able to analyze…

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Tags: Bitcoin Uber

Life-Saving Virus Found in Connecticut

2017’s New Movies on Netflix

From the Superman movies to “Boogie Nights,” here are all the titles Netflix will be adding in January 2017—and all the titles you should watch this year before Netflix removes them »


13-Year-Old Becomes Venture Capitalist

Harry Stebbings fell in love with venture…

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Tags: Elon musk Netflix

2017's Uber IPO

One of the most anticipated financial events in recent history is upon us:

The decade’s fastest-growing tech company is about to go public—and it’s going to make some investors very, very rich.

So what should you do?

Is this a once-in-a-lifetime IPO that you can’t afford to miss?

Or is…

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Tags: Angellist Uber

21 Stocks to Buy Before Trump Becomes President

Russia’s Failed Internet Experiment

Long before the World Wide Web, the Soviets tried to save the USSR with a computer network. Why did their project never make it? Nyet Internet!


[Graphic Video] Athlete Killed by Social Media

With all the new “live streaming” apps out there, the pressure…

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Tags: Donald trump Google

Debunking Three Angel Investing Myths

Nearly three years ago, Matt and I set out on a mission:

We aimed to teach everyday investors how to make money in early-stage investing.

From the very beginning, naysayers said it couldn’t be done.

Thankfully we ignored them.

More than 100,000 investors have now subscribed to our free and…

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Tags: Angel investing Early stage-investing

Drink Beer, Make 1,700% Profits

Just after 2pm on a recent Saturday, I found myself in an agreeable position:

In my left hand was a pint of craft wheat beer. And in my right hand, I held a warm soft pretzel covered in maple jam and bacon.

I was sitting in a pub called Hopsters…

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Tags: Beer Jobs act

Ready To Invest in Flying Cars?

[Video] Porsche Cayman Races Pack of Drones

In this video, an insane stunt driver behind the wheel of a Porsche 718 Cayman S takes on a flock of high-speed drones. Floored »


Lamborghini’s Turbo-Charged Speaker System

This city-shaking sound system features a Lamborghini exhaust, a carbon fiber monocoque…

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Tags: Gift Marc andreessen