Government Insiders Are Piling Into This Tiny Company

Most folks don’t know this, but the U.S. military has played a key role in the development of America’s technology sector.

During the “space race” of the 1960s, for example, the Department of Defense backed a start-up called Fairchild Semiconductor.

Fairchild produced a…

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Shocking Study: Facebook Users Live Longer

Thank You, Amazon

Matthew Weiner, the creator of Mad Men (and former writer and producer of The Sopranos) has a new gig. Amazon just committed $70 million for his new TV series. Prepare to binge watch »


The Changing Colors of Leaves

Across the U.S., leaves are changing…

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Tags: Amazon Facebook

Follow These (Profit) Leaders

When it comes to finding the most profitable early-stage investments, you’ve really got your work cut out for you.

As I explained last week it’s been shown that you need to do at least 40 hours of research on every investment—whether you decide to invest or not.

But as…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Start up-investments

China: 1 — Unites States: 0

Zuckerberg: “These are my people!”

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, has been in Nigeria for barely an hour before he makes this strange remark. But since his words don’t reflect his biological heritage, what do they reflect?

How AI Will Change the World

Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence are enabling…

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Tags: Artificial intelligence Mark zuckerberg

Three Ways to Lock in Windfall Profits

For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been telling you about a remarkable group of people...

People who’ve gone from being dead broke to multi-millionaires... overnight.

Today we’re going to reveal their secret—and we’ll show you three tricks you could use to try and accomplish the exact same feat.

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Tags: Ma Start up-investing Takeovers

How to Make Millions Overnight – Guaranteed

Few things in life are guaranteed...

According to Benjamin Franklin, only two things fit that bill: death & taxes.

But there is one other thing you can bank on (literally)...

It involves a special type of investment.

And over the next couple of days, we’ll show you how this investment…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Ipo

Don’t Make This Texting Mistake

[Video] This Drone Will Own You

Say goodbye to anything smaller than a car: this drone with claws will eat it up » 

This Is How You Trace a Gun

When cops want to trace a gun, there’s no federal database they can use. Instead, they turn to…

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Tags: Drones

Real People, UNREAL Profits

Today I want to tell you about a remarkable group of people.

These are regular men and women—just like you and me—but they’ve all done something spectacular:

Each one of them went from being nearly dead broke to becoming a multi-millionaire—overnight.

How’d they do it?

Well, it turns out, they…

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Tags: David choe Eric martin Jan koum

Why You Should Eat Dessert FIRST...

My dad used some strange parenting techniques.
Before every meal, for example, he insisted we eat dessert.


Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream, chocolate cake, cinnamon buns—those were the “appetizers” around our kitchen table.


But as it turns out, he was using reverse psychology: after years of stuffing myself…

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