The Top 11 Technologies of the Future

How Much Salary You Need To Buy a Home In 27 U.S. Cities

The rent may be too damn high, but so is the cost of buying a place. Here’s a nationwide map of how much salary you need in 27 different metro areas to purchase a home »

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Takeover Alert: The Next Wave of M&A Targets

Takeovers are one of the most surefire ways to earn big profits—fast.

However, for most investors, picking the correct takeover targets has historically been a game of luck, not skill.

With that being said, some investors know how to consistently identify (and profit from) companies that are ripe for a…

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Tags: Ma Mergers and-acquisitions Takover

“Magically” Make Money

Back in college, I played in a rock band.


I’d love to tell you how great we were. But the truth is, everything about us was horrible, starting with our name: “The Drooling Dogs.”


But even worse than our name was our skills. You see, none of us…

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What To Do In Between Killing People

American Guys’ Favorite “Man-Purse”

People have strong opinions about cargo shorts. Detractors say that all those bulky pockets are as dorky as fanny packs, and even worse than socks with individual toes. Is a high-tech alternative on its way?

The End of “CrackBerry”

After years of being trounced by…

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Tags: Uber

Bitcoin: Exposed!

By now, you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, the digital currency.

In its early days, many believed Bitcoin would only be used by Internet geeks. But it’s gradually become part of the mainstream financial ecosystem.

That being said, many folks still don’t understand Bitcoin—and they don’t realize that professional investors are…

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Tags: Bitcoin

[BREAKING] Tech Giant Exposed as Gov't Spy

This Week in Tech

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best start-up deals. Now rely on us to bring you the most fascinating stories and trends from the world of technology. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.


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Tags: Gold Yahoo

Stock Market: Rest in Peace

I’m about to leave for my honeymoon!

Next week, my bride and I are flying to Sydney, Australia, then we’ll make our way to Byron Bay and the Great Barrier Reef.

Friends gave us suggestions for hotels, but we think it's more fun to rent cool apartments.

To find these…

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Tags: Airbnb End of-the-stock-market

The Power of Free

When he was 40-years-old, King Gillette (yes, that was his real name) was on the road to nowhere.

After failing at every business venture he’d ever undertaken, he was selling bottle caps for a living.

But early one morning, while looking in the mirror after a painful shave, he came…

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