Your British Fortune-Teller Says...

Yesterday morning, as I strolled through midtown Manhattan on my way to work, I passed a stream of mysterious-looking women.

They were dressed in turbans and flowing robes, and I soon realized what I was looking at:


They’d been hiding in their air-conditioned…

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Tags: Food beverage-start-ups Seedrs

Warning: Hackers Can Now Steal Your Face

Stay Safe: Do Not Hail This Taxi!

A tiny start-up based in Cambridge, Massachusetts has launched the first self-driving taxis. “People are a little bit nervous when they get into the car…” said Karl Iagnemma, the start-up’s founder. Nervous? What could possibly go wrong?


Revealed at Last: The…

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Tags: Cyber security Self driving-cars

Proof – Staggering Results

Normally, the world of early-stage investing is shrouded in secrecy...

The professional start-up investors known as Venture Capitalists tend to keep their investment returns a closely-guarded secret.

But in a rare shift, one of the most renowned firms in Silicon Valley just made its returns public...

And the results…

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Tags: Andreesen horowitz Venture capital-returns

One "Commodity" You Must Own Today

Back in 2001, oil was trading at about $30 per barrel.

At the time, just a single oil company (Exxon) was on the list of the world’s Top 5 Most Valuable Companies.

Within a decade, however, oil shot up to $100 per barrel. All of a sudden, the Top 5…

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Tags: Mega trend Tech sector

Lifestyles of the Rich and Nerdy

What if you woke up tomorrow and found $10 million in your bank account?

How about $100 million? How about a billion?

What would you do with all that money?

What’s the most outrageous thing you’d buy?

Give it a think—

Then you can compare it to a few over-the-top…

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Tags: Elon musk Mark zuckerberg Sean parker

Do you want to live forever?

Zuckerberg Meets the Pope – Guess What He Gave Him…

Earlier this week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met Pope Francis at the Vatican. What did he give him? A drone, of course »

The Most Secretive Venture Firm in the World

A venture firm called In-Q-Tel…

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Tags: Mark zuckerberg Social media

Three Paths to 30-Day Profits

Once upon a time, start-up investors had to be extremely patient:

After getting in on a “ground floor” investment, they’d need to wait for years and years as the start-up morphed into a real business—the kind of business that could get acquired or go public.

But recently, we’ve become aware…

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Tags: Instagram Mini ipo

A $237 Hamburger!?

Imagine going into your local diner and ordering a hamburger.

A few minutes later, it gets delivered nice and hot, cooked just how you like it. You gobble it up.

But then the waitress drops off the check and—$237!? What the…

You might be thinking, “C’mon, Wayne. A hamburger…

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Tags: Agfunder Agriculture text Agtech Farm from-a-box