Returns from Quantitative Investing

The Kauffman Foundation’s Angel Investor Performance Project (AIPP) was literally the largest study ever conducted on the returns of early-stage investing.

To gather the data, the authors took results from 539 individual angel investors, and 86 different angel investor groups. These angels were involved with 1,130 companies.

Many investors and…

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Did You Vote?

Did you vote last week?

Your fellow Crowdability subscribers sure did!

We held the vote so you could pick the topic of Crowdability’s next sector report.

It was a close race, but the winner is… the IoT sector.

Those three letters represent one of the hottest trends in tech today:

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Tags: Internet of-things Start ups

Start-up Helps Contractor Become Overnight Millionaire

Peter Thiel Discovers Real-World Fountain of Youth

Thiel, the PayPal founder and famous venture capitalist, believes he’s discovered the secret to eternal life: transfusions. Look out—this could get bloody »

Saved by a Tesla

With all the recent press about Tesla’s “auto-pilot” technology leading to crashes and deaths,…

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Tags: Peter thiel Start up-news

"Boring" Investment Delivers Big Gains

Corporate America is in the midst of a feeding frenzy:

In the last few weeks, big corporations have doled out $4.3 billion to acquire early-stage start-ups.

But in a strange twist, all these start-ups are in the same sector—and it’s not even an exciting sector like medical devices or cyber…

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Tags: Circleup Consumer products

Your Neighborhood Is Now a War Zone

This Week in Tech

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best start-up deals. Now rely on us to bring you the most fascinating stories and trends from the world of technology. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

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Tags: Money managers Virtual reality

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History

Two years ago in this newsletter, I told you about an exciting technology trend.

At the time, a high-ranking government official had just called it “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.”

In my article, I wrote about how this trend would deliver enormous returns to early investors—and I told…

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Tags: Cyber security Fireblade

Yahoo’s Loss – Your Gain!

Back in 2008, Microsoft offered to buy Yahoo for about $50 billion.

Yahoo rejected the offer as being “too low.”

Last week, a new deal for Yahoo came in—this time from Verizon.

The deal was worth just $4.6 billion, a fraction of what Microsoft had offered.

When Yahoo accepted it,…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Uber