Startup Profit Opportunity: 99% Accuracy

Investment bank Morgan Stanley recently did something very peculiar:

It told Google to give away one of its “smart speakers” to everyone in America — for free.

The cost of this giveaway? About $3 billion.

For the last hundred years, CEOs from top companies have relied on Morgan Stanley not…

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Tags: Siri Voice assistant

Check Out the New "Apple Car"

This Drone Can Change Shape Mid-Flight

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s… both? That’s the idea behind the military’s new shape-shifting drones. Find out what they’ll be used for here »

Say Goodbye to the Segway

It was made famous by tourists and a fictitious mall cop. But…

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Tags: Iphone Lebron james

Step #1 To Build Your Private Wealth Plan

This is it!

This is the final article in your “Private Portfolio Makeover” series.

For the last two weeks, we’ve shown you how to take a small piece of your public-market portfolio…

And replace it with ultra-profitable private-market investments.

As you’ve seen, this could help you earn big returns… with…

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Tags: Diversification Portfolio makeover

The First FDA-Approved Video Game

Warning: Don’t Turn on Your Lights!

Computer hackers have developed a new way to eavesdrop on you. And their tactics might force you to live by candlelight. Learn more here »

NASA Needs Your Help

NASA’s had a tough time moving its rovers around Mars. Perhaps surprisingly, you can…

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Tags: Fda Nasa

10%+ Yields w/ The "Private Portfolio Makeover"

As Matt explained yesterday, we’re doing something special over the next couple of weeks:

We’re showing you how to stay sane during this extreme market volatility…

While at the same time, showing you how to increase your overall returns!

It’s all thanks to a new project we’re calling The Private…

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Tags: Bonds Portfolio makeover

Silicon Valley on the Verge of Collapse

Bitcoin Goes to Hollywood

Bitcoin’s earliest backers have become insanely wealthy. Now a movie is coming out to tell their tale. Get the scoop »

Man Finds Buried Treasure

After 10 years, the search for a hidden treasure chest is finally over. See what was inside »


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Tags: Silicon valley Tattoos

The "Albert Einstein" Portfolio

It’s one of the most powerful forces in investing.

Warren Buffett regularly cites it as the key to his $76 billion fortune…

And Albert Einstein himself reportedly said it’s “the eighth wonder of the world.”

I’m referring to an investing concept known as compound interest.

And today, I’ll show you…

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Tags: Albert einstein Compound interest

Can Chaos Lead You to 1,250% Profits?

Having a sense of security is priceless.

But nowadays, that sense can be hard to come by.

The world is chaotic today. Tens of millions of people are out of work. Crime is spiking. Unrest is rising.

But hidden amidst this chaos are opportunities.

It all starts with helping people…

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Tags: Home security Ring