How to Get Apple to Send You $100,000

Ancient Worshippers Caught Getting High

Archaeologists in Israel just discovered traces of cannabis on a 2,700-year-old altar. But were they really smoking pot at this shrine? Read more here »

This Hospital is Live-Streaming Surgeries

If you ever go in for surgery, be advised: your doctor might not be…

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Tags: Apple Virtual reality

Investors Swimming Naked

Warren Buffett often shares this pearl of wisdom:

“You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”

Meaning, you don’t really know how well or how poorly a company is doing until it’s faced with a major challenge.

Well, given the challenges the world is facing…

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Tags: Diversification Warren buffett

Damaging Details Released About NSA Spy Tool

Enjoy Any Food You Want, Guilt-Free

Imagine enjoying juicy cheeseburgers, salty French fries, and sweet chocolate milkshakes — all without putting on a single pound. It’s possible. Click here to find out how »

Are Amazon’s Days Numbered?

Facebook’s latest product, “Shops,” was just released to rave reviews. In…

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Tags: Amazon Nsa

What You Can Learn from Trump's "Twitter War"

Today, the President is expected to issue an unprecedented executive order targeting the country’s top social media companies.

The order will instruct the Department of Justice to investigate these companies for unfair censorship.

Regardless of how you feel about this issue, and regardless of what you may think of social…

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Tags: Donald trump Twitter

"Crazy" Twitter News = 300,000% Profit Opportunity?

Did you see the crazy news about Twitter?

Because of the coronavirus, CEO Jack Dorsey told his staff they can work from home “forever.”

After that, Facebook and Google said employees can work from home at least until 2021. And then everyone from JP Morgan to Zillow extended their work-from-home…

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Tags: Remote work Twitter

How to Spot a $400 Million Profit Opportunity

Investing in megatrends like Virtual Reality can lead you to huge profits…

But only if you’re able to spot them early.

That’s why, in his essay yesterday, Matt showed you a simple trend-spotting strategy:

By watching where global tech companies like Apple and Facebook are investing and doing takeovers, you’ll…

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Tags: Venture capitalists Virtual reality

The Best Side-Hustles While Stuck at Home

The Best Neighborhood in Town: Lava Tubes?

If you’re thinking of moving, here’s a spot to check out. It’s a little off the beaten path, but the view is out of this world. Get the details here »

Warning: This Video Will Gross You Out

A black-light experiment shows…

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Tags: Coronavirus Mit